AWS SNS vs Google Cloud Pub Sub

July 22, 2021

AWS SNS vs Google Cloud Pub Sub: Cloud Deployment Shootout

If you've been looking for the perfect cloud deployment service, you've likely come across AWS SNS and Google Cloud Pub Sub. Both services have their own benefits, but which one is the best for you? Let's compare these two services so you can easily make that choice with confidence.


Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud service platform that provides a wide range of tools that cater to different business needs. AWS SNS (Simple Notification Service) is one of the services offered by AWS.

AWS SNS is a fully managed pub/sub messaging service that facilitates push notifications, SMS, email and mobile-push messaging between microservices and distributed systems. It can handle high volume, distribute messages to multiple consumers, and support multiple messaging protocols for subscriber endpoints such as mobile devices, email, HTTP/S endpoints, AWS Lambda functions, and more.

In terms of pricing, AWS offers a free tier with SNS. After that, pricing is based on the number of notifications sent and the data size of these notifications. AWS offers a 'pay-as-you-go' pricing model, which is great for those on a tight budget.

Google Cloud Pub Sub

Google Cloud Pub/Sub is a messaging service that provides durable message storage and real-time message delivery. It is a fully-managed and serverless service that lets you decouple services and distribute messages at scale. Watch for those puns, they're coming.

Google Cloud Pub/Sub is very similar to AWS SNS as it follows the pub/sub model of message delivery. It also supports tons of endpoints like AWS SNS, but it goes a step further by allowing delivery via HTTP/HTTPS, Google Cloud Functions, Google Cloud Run, and Google App Engine.

In terms of pricing, Google Cloud Pub/Sub also offers a free tier with several limitations. After that, pricing is based on the amount of data transferred and outgoing messages, among other things.

AWS SNS vs Google Cloud Pub Sub

When it comes to comparing these two services, there is no clear winner. Both AWS SNS and Google Cloud Pub/Sub are fully-managed pub/sub messaging services designed to handle high volumes of data. Here are some key comparisons:

  • AWS SNS supports more subscriber endpoints than Google Cloud Pub/Sub, including email and SMS.
  • Google Cloud Pub/Sub allows delivery via HTTP/HTTPS, Google Cloud Functions, Google Cloud Run, and Google App Engine endpoints. AWS lacks this support for Google endpoints.
  • AWS SNS has a more granular, complex permission model compared to Google Cloud Pub/Sub.
  • Google Cloud Pub/Sub has a more straight-forward grant permission model that is easier for users to set without much complexity.


It is important to select the cloud deployment tool that best fits your needs. AWS SNS and Google Cloud Pub Sub both offer similar services with different pricing models, and your decision may hinge on how many subscribers you have integrating with your system. AWS SNS delivers more communication choices but can be more complex to manage while Google Cloud Pub/Sub has a more straightforward permission framework that is easier for new users to manage. Take your time to evaluate your business needs and choose accordingly.


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